Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Parker - 6 MONTHS!!

I know this is SUPER late...but Parker James turned 6 months back on the 10th!  I have a 6 month old...since when did that happen?  Here's the latest on our little chunk:

Weight:  17.7 lbs.
Height:  27 inches (75th percentile!)

- He's sitting up all on his own!!  Most of the time this is what he wants to do, so it's been fun watching him get to this point where he can do it by himself.  He's still a little wobbly though!
- He's eating solids.  YAY!!  I was so excited for this stage for some reason.  Maybe it's because it's something new?  But he's loved every single thing we've tried so far (knock on wood), which is bananas, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas.  I haven't gotten him any of the crackers yet, but I'm hoping he'll like those as well.
- Still sleeping through the night like a champ, and we are so happy about it!  In fact, he's been going to bed between 7:30-8, so we feel like we have most of the night to watch a movie, or our TV shows without being interrupted!
- He really loves walks, and being outside.  The stroller seems to calm him down, and he likes taking in his surroundings.  It probably helps that it's all new to him!
- He is rolling around like crazy!  He will roll to his stomach and get angry because he wouldn't roll back to his back, but now that he's figured it out, he's rollin' around everywhere.
- He loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates, as well as Baby Einstein (still), and it gives me a little bit of relief to do random things around the house.
- Still fitting in to some 3 month clothes, but most are getting a little snug :)

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