Friday, June 15, 2012

the subway

Ok, summer is just crazy busy...seriously. I like have had zero time to sit down and write a blog post on one adventure we've done before another one comes up. So here's me trying to get all caught up on our life these past few weeks. 

At the beginning of this month, we went to Zion's national park to hike the Subway. What a hike! I have never done anything this intense or this beautiful before. It was amazing! 

My wonderful husband has wanted to do this hike for so long, and he finally was able to get picked out of the lottery to do it. We were able to bring 6 other people along with us, so we brought our friends Jessie & Talmage, Brad & Julie, and their friend Chase. 

We left Thursday night and drove to St. George where we stayed with Chris' wonderful grandparents in their beautiful home. They were so generous to let us stay with them.

We arose early the next morning (like 5:30 am early...) and got everything ready and headed out to have some breakfast before the hike. I'm not an early morning eater that's for sure, but I forced some hashbrowns down and some fruit. Then we were off! We had to go and get our permit, which took a bit, but then we were finally able to drive up and begin the hike.

We sun screened up headed on our way. It took us about two hours to hike to the opening of the slot canyon. It was a beautiful hike in. Some awesome red rock and everything!

We are starting our decent!

It was such a steep, but beautiful hike to where we first repelled down into the canyon.
The first repelle was a bit tricky and I was the first girl to go down it. It was awkward and tight and I couldn't quite figure out how to get down, but eventually I found my way and made it to the first drop. It was exhilarating! Here are some pictures from that first drop.

See what I mean by tough...?

Once everyone was down, we continued our hike through the canyon. It was so pretty and the weather was fabulous. It was hot, but we were in water a majority of the time and so it helped us dry fast.

This was our first full submersion into the water. I just had to put this picture on here because it goes to show you how freakin' cold the the water was. Seriously, it was the coldest thing I have EVER been in. Just look at my face! Haha. There was one point during the hike where I got in the water and it was so cold that I may or may not have freaked out a bit and couldn't breathe...yeah wasn't the highlight of the trip, I'm not gonna lie. But anyways, thanks to the beautiful sun, we were able to warm up real fast!

So this is why we think it's called the pretty though, right!

This was the last repelling spot...can you say B-E-A-UTIFUL!?! This was my favorite place of the whole hike. It made everything else totally worth it.

The Subway hike was so much fun. We got some great pictures and made some great memories. If you are wanting to do it, I will warn you...the hike out of the canyon is a beast! Like seriously, the worst 4 hours of my life. It was hot, we ran out of water, and the final climb out of the canyon was a vertical stair-master style climb. It was awful. But I am so proud of us that we did it and looking back it was totally worth every second!

Another funny note about this was the next day, none of us could move. Our thighs hurt SO bad. I have never had soreness like this before. Oh my heck. It was awful! Haha. Chris and I laughed so hard because we felt so old.

Thank you to Chris' grandparents for opening up their beautiful home to us, and for letting us be lazy the day after our hike. It was definitely needed!!

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