Well, another year has come and gone! I can't believe it flew by so fast ... so much happened for the McNulty family ... shall we review?

Overall, I would say 2014 was good to us! We had lots of fun trips, and good times with family and friends. So excited to see what 2015 has in store for us.
Happy New Year!
january : I flew to Minnesota for the first time with Parker to spend a few weeks with my family. Helped my parents get adjusted to a getting new dog (!!) in the house. And said goodbye to my sister Maren, before she left for her 18 month mission for our church in California.
february : We watched the Superbowl with Chris's family - cheered for the Broncos, and were soon bored ... but loved playing with Parker! Celebrated a promotion for Chris at his work with dinner at Texas Roadhouse (yum!). And at the end of the month I went to my aunt Lori's annual Oscar party, and had a ball!
march : Fed Parker his first round of baby food! He wasn't a fan of the rice cereal at first, but it grew on him! We took a trip down to St. George to visit Chris's grandparents where we explored Zion's, and ate at a yummy restaurant called Oscars (part 1. part 2). Chris had to go to San Fransisco for training with his new position, and we got to tag along! It was so fun exploring the city, and being somewhere new. Finally updated your house by adding some blinds. They made all the difference in our house, and we loved it!
april : Hit 3 years being married - Wahoo!! Took Parker to the park right by our house, and let him discover grass for the first time. He was very curious, but wasn't a huge fan! We celebrated Parker's 6 month mark, and reflected on how much he's changed over the years. We also celebrated Easter with my side of the family!
may : Chris graduated from UVU!!! We had been waiting for that day for SO long! We celebrated by taking a Disney Cruise - and leaving Parker with my parents in Minnesota (part 1. part 2. part 3). It was so much fun - can I go back!?! We also brought Parker back his first Mickey Mouse, which he loved. And we introduced him to Seven Peaks (a water park in Utah), which he also loved!
june : We kicked off the month with 2 High School graduations - Megan's & Shelby's. Lots of family and fun for us in Utah and in Minnesota. And of course ... lots of time at Seven Peaks!
july : This was a very busy month for our family! We kicked it off with one of my favorite holidays. This year we actually made it to the hot air balloon launch they hold in Provo. Totally worth waking up at 6 am! We also headed to California (twice) - once for the beach, and another time for Disneyland. Both trips were so much fun, and a new adventure for Parker! We ended the month with the biggest news of all for our family - Chris got a new job in CHICAGO!
august : I packed up our house while Chris was at training for his new job in San Fransisco. Boxes were everywhere! Took one last trip to Temple Square for my birthday. Then we loaded up our Uhaul with our whole life ready to hit the road!
september : We moved to our new home - Chicago, and spent the whole month exploring the city! We couldn't get enough of it. We also took advantage of everything that was right around us in Aurora. But overall, seeing all the new sites in the city was our favorite, and we had great weather to do it!

october : We had family come for a visit. We picked some pumpkins from a near by patch, and took them home to carve later on. We also celebrated the biggest thing yet - Parker's 1st birthday (part 1. part 2)! At the end of the month, we had some Halloween festivities and dressed Parker up as the Toaster Strudel Boy.
november : Parker and I hung out lots while Dad worked. We got to go to Utah for Thanksgiving and see family and friends. Biggest thing this month - Parker learned how to WALK! My life officially changed...!

december : We had some family visit, and we went to see the Zoo lights at the Lincoln Park Zoo downtown, which was so fun, and cold! I couldn't get enough of the city view from the zoo. To die for! We also went home to Minnesota for Christmas where we spent lots of time with my family on the couch, sick with colds...no fun! But the best part of our trip was getting to talk to Maren on Christmas Day!!
Happy New Year!
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